I liked this movie. A lot. Which is funny given how much I do not like facebook (or maybe it makes perfect sense?).
I think they had me from the very first scene. But didn’t they have everyone? That’s an excellent trick to hook audiences: make the dialog of your opening scene so lightning fast that they literally have to scoot forward in their seats to try to catch every word. Very clever Mr. Sorkin.
But then even with that Paying Very Close Attention diligence that I was attempting, I still didn’t get at first that there was some back and forth with flashbacks. But once I got it, I liked that very much. I was surprised that the story focused on those lawsuits; I guess I thought the story would be a little broader. But there’s a lot in this film as it is, and it felt kind of jam-packed, so I’m glad they focused it.
Mark Zuckerberg sure comes across like a… well, like a complete and total jerk in this thing. Wow. If this film is even the tiniest, tiniest little bit true… Then he is not someone I want to know. But what a great character for a film.
Will it win? My first instinct when I saw it was: No. I didn’t think it was the best picture I’d seen. But the more I read things about the film, the more I think the voters may just give it the award. I think I’d rather see the King’s Speech get it though. What about David Fincher? Well, maybe. I'd be okay with that. But my gut (and the stuff I'm reading) tells me that it will probably be Tom Hooper. And Jesse Eisenberg? Nope. While the character is a bad guy – he’s more of a passive bad guy, and that doesn’t really make for an Oscar-winning performance. The camera work was really nice, so I’m betting on some Best Cinematography for this thing though.